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CA112 Fur, Feather and Scale (2024/2025)

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CA112 Fur, Feather and Scale (2024/2025)


Delivery method: Face to Face in IBERS. 5 credits.

A five-credit practical painting course suitable for those students who are undertaking field studies as well as students who wish to broaden their skills in Fine Art.

Course Code

CA112 (2025)

Course Leader

Tereska Shepherd
Course Description

A five-credit practical painting course suitable for those students who are undertaking field studies as well as students who wish to broaden their skills in Fine Art. The course will cover demonstrations and the specific techniques required to accurately depict fur, feather and scales. Students will be required to submit 3 finished pieces of work covering each topic with emphasis on colour, tone, texture, scale and modelling using watercolour, dip pen and ink. 

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