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PL301 Building Resilience (2024/2025)

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Course Information

PL301 Building Resilience (2024/2025)


Delivery method: Self-paced online learning. 5 Credits. 

Let's face it, life is stressful, isn't it? How do we cope with the ghastly things that surface in life and what does stress do to your body? 

Course Code

PL301 (2025)

Course Leader

Alison Pierse
Course Description

Let's face it, life is stressful, isn't it? How do we cope with the ghastly things that surface in life and what does stress do to your body? We should not be letting our bodies and minds accept this state of play. Some people are so addicted to stress that they do not even recognise it. It is not healthy to be in a state of stress for a long time, as it curtails our life expectancy.  

How do you react when you get knocked off kilter or when a life crisis occurs? This course looks at ways of improving your resilience. It is designed for you to reflect on your well-being and work / life balance. Everyone deals with stress differently; this course is deeply reflective giving you strategies and techniques to help you over those rocky moments and steer you through today’s busy lifestyles. Units guide and ask you to reflect and set your own targets – you are the driver on this course.  

You will need to dedicate 50 hours to your learning.  


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