Celf a Dylunio / Art and DesignCelf a Dylunio / Art and DesignCA107 Ceramic Artefact (2024/2025)Description
CA111 Drawing with Scissors: Collage (2024/2025)DescriptionDelivery method: Face to Face at the Milford Building. 10 Credits. Continuing with the ‘eco’ slant provided in other modules such as ‘Cover to Cover’, this module is designed to expand students’ drawing and painting skills taking them into the dimension of collage.
CA112 Fur, Feather and Scale (2024/2025)DescriptionDelivery method: Face to Face in IBERS. 5 credits. A five-credit practical painting course suitable for those students who are undertaking field studies as well as students who wish to broaden their skills in Fine Art.
CL109 Drawn from Observation (2024/2025)DescriptionDelivery method: Self-pace online learning. Core Module - 10 Credits. The quickest way to accelerate drawing skills is to learn to draw from observation. This module will teach you the art of looking. T