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CA315 Watercolour for Everyone (2024/2025)

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Course Information

CA315 Watercolour for Everyone (2024/2025)

AU Staff

Delivery method: Face to Face at the Milford Building, Gogerddan Campus 

This is a beginner’s watercolour module introducing students to the basic techniques of watercolour. 

Course Code

CA315 (2025)

Course Leader

Tereska Shepherd
Course Description

This is a beginner’s watercolour module introducing students to the basic techniques of watercolour.. The module is largely skills based and allows students to learn the essential techniques providing them with a preparation for other art courses offered with Lifelong Learning.

Units will include the basic techniques of watercolour; purchasing of materials; wet on wet; wet on dry; washes and charging; aerial perspective and colour theory.

StartEndCourse Fee 
AU Staff