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Adran y Gwyddorau Bywyd / Department of Life Sciences

Adran y Gwyddorau Bywyd / Department of Life Sciences

AberTB 2025

AberTB 2025


Following the success of the AberTB conference in 2024 we are delighted to confirm ‘Vaccination’ as our theme for 2025.  The conference will be held on September 17th, 2025, in Medrus conference centre, Aberystwyth University.   Vaccinations are forefront in tackling other bovine diseases such as Salmonella Dublin and BVD however, we are still waiting for a vaccination for Mycobacterium Bovis. Following the UK exit from the EU, trials are now taking place in the UK, and we will be welcoming members of vaccinations teams together to update us on both cattle and badger vaccination.   

Attendee CategoryCost   
Early Bird Ticket£75.00[Read More]

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