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HL303H Beyond Statues: Memorials in Modern Wales (2024/2025)

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HL303H Beyond Statues: Memorials in Modern Wales (2024/2025)

AU Student

Delivery method: Online learning with tutor support. 

From war memorials to memorial gardens, plaques to statues, placenames to public buildings; memorials surround us.

Course Code

HL303H (2025)

Course Leader

Rhodri Lewis
Course Description

From war memorials to memorial gardens, plaques to statues, placenames to public buildings; memorials surround us. They shape and are shaped by our heritage, our communities, our landscapes and our very identities. 

Why do we memorialise? What or who do we commemorate? Who do memorials serve - the past or the present? Whether it’s a statue of Edward Coulston, 'Cofiwch Dryweryn' graffiti, or a new plaque; memorials are rarely out of the news and are often as controversial as they are ubiquitous. 
A rapidly growing interdisciplinary field of study, commemoration and memorialisation draws on research in heritage, placemaking, identity and community. A mine of information for investigating local history; explore the many forms, motivations, challenges and purposes of memorials in Wales and beyond. 

StartEndCourse Fee 
AU Student

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