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CA300 Plant Portraits (2024/2025)

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CA300 Plant Portraits (2024/2025)


Delivery method: Blended learning with Face to Face at the Milford Building. 10 Credits. 

The course is launched with a prescribed, group project of a complex flower arrangement reflecting the techniques of the Dutch Still Life School.

Course Code

CA300 (2025)

Course Leader

Tereska Shepherd
Course Description

The course is launched with a prescribed, group project of a complex flower arrangement reflecting the techniques of the Dutch Still Life School. This is followed by individual projects of plant portraiture as a ‘Miniature’ to explore the parallels and approach of Nicholas Hilliard. Outdoor sessions on sketching and painting flowers in situ will reflect the work of the Environmental Art movement of Photographers. The course is designed to draw parallels between Plant/ Figure Portraits, Environmental Art and that of the Miniatures. This is an intensive course which will require the final project to be executed after the teaching sessions are complete.  

StartEndCourse Fee 

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