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Ysgrifennu Creadigol / Literature and Creative Writing

Ysgrifennu Creadigol / Literature and Creative Writing

HL200W Writing as a Creative Process (2024/2025)

HL200W Writing as a Creative Process (2024/2025)


This course will explore the creative process and will introduce students to techniques and exercises to help stimulate creativity.

StartEndCourse Fee 
03/02/202507/04/2025£130.00[Read More]
03/02/202507/04/2025[Read More]
AU Student
03/02/202507/04/2025[Read More]
HL201W Words That Run with Wolves; Writing for Children (2024/2025)

HL201W Words That Run with Wolves; Writing for Children (2024/2025)


Delivery method: Online learning with tutor support. 

Welcome to the world of writing creatively for children of all ages. Words that run with Wolves can be studied as a stand-alone module, but it could also follow on from the introductory 5-credit online module: An Introduction to Writing for Children. 

StartEndCourse Fee 
20/01/202524/03/2025£130.00[Read More]
20/01/202524/03/2025[Read More]
AU Student
20/01/202524/03/2025[Read More]
HL202W Writing Science-Fiction and Speculative Fiction

HL202W Writing Science-Fiction and Speculative Fiction


Delivery method: Online learning with tutor support. 

Science fiction and Speculative (Counterfactual) fiction are two overlapping genres, which ask us to enter ‘other worlds, alternate worlds and societies. Ideas about the future; economic and social, developing science and technology, and the way humans organize themselves and behave, can be explored in imaginative and daring ways.   

StartEndCourse Fee 
29/01/202502/04/2025£130.00[Read More]
29/01/202502/04/2025[Read More]
AU Student
29/01/202502/04/2025[Read More]
HL203W Writing Women: Feminism in Poetry and Prose | Part 2 (2024/2025)

HL203W Writing Women: Feminism in Poetry and Prose | Part 2 (2024/2025)


Delivery method: Online learning with tutor support. 

An accompaniment to Writing Women Part 1, this module will continue to explore the various ways in which feminism can be translated to creative writing.  

To study Writing Women Part 2, students do not have to have studied Writing Women Part 1


StartEndCourse Fee 
27/01/202519/03/2025£130.00[Read More]
27/01/202519/03/2025[Read More]
AU Student
27/01/202519/03/2025[Read More]
HL204W Editing and Shaping your Work (2024/2025)

HL204W Editing and Shaping your Work (2024/2025)


Delivery method: Online learning with tutor support. 

This skills-based module aims to equip you with the tools and strategies to edit and shape your work with a view to submitting for publication, self-publishing and/or entering competitions. You may also wish to revise and redraft your work for private use.  

StartEndCourse Fee 
AU Student
29/01/202502/04/2025[Read More]
29/01/202502/04/2025[Read More]
29/01/202502/04/2025£70.00[Read More]
HL205W Introduction to Literature Studies (2024/2025)

HL205W Introduction to Literature Studies (2024/2025)


Delivery method: Online learning with tutor support. 

Through an introduction to selected poetry, prose and drama texts, students will gain foundational knowledge of English literary studies. During the module, students will develop skills in close analysis and essay writing with a focus on writing with economy and precision. 

StartEndCourse Fee 
27/01/202519/03/2025£130.00[Read More]
27/01/202519/03/2025[Read More]
AU Student
27/01/202519/03/2025[Read More]
HL206W Autobiographical Writing (2024/2025)

HL206W Autobiographical Writing (2024/2025)


Delivery method: Online learning with tutor support and three optional face-to-face sessions at The White Lion (meeting room), Machynlleth. (27/01/2025, 17/02/2025, 17/03/25).

Writing an autobiography involves more than reporting the facts of your life in chronological order. A good autobiography draws on the techniques of both fiction (vivid description, thinking in scenes, structuring a narrative) and non-fiction (research, analysis, making connections between an individual’s experience and the wider world) to produce a document of interest to readers

StartEndCourse Fee 
27/01/202530/03/2025£130.00[Read More]
27/01/202530/03/2025[Read More]
AU Student
27/01/202530/03/2025[Read More]
HL207W Introduction to Film Studies (2024/2025)

HL207W Introduction to Film Studies (2024/2025)


Delivery method: Online learning with tutor support. 

This module will provide an introduction to the reading of film, the history of the medium and the central theories of film criticism. 

StartEndCourse Fee 
27/01/202517/03/2025[Read More]
AU Student
27/01/202517/03/2025[Read More]
27/01/202517/03/2025£130.00[Read More]
HL208W Gwibdaith Drwy Lenydddiaeth Gymraeg (2024/2025)

HL208W Gwibdaith Drwy Lenydddiaeth Gymraeg (2024/2025)


Dull Cyflwyno: Sesiynau ar-lein wedi'u trefnu.

Cynhelir pob seminar rhwng 6.30 a 7.30 (nos Lun)

Gwlad beirdd a chantorionmedd yr anthem genedlaethol am Gymru, a thros gyfnod o ddeg wythnos, bydd y cwrs hwn yn rhoi cyflwyniad i rai o feirdd a llenorion Cymru.  

StartEndCourse Fee 
03/02/202502/05/2025£130.00[Read More]
03/02/202502/05/2025[Read More]
AU Student
03/02/202502/05/2025[Read More]

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