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AL301E Ecology 1 (2024/2025)

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Course Information

AL301E Ecology 1 (2024/2025)


Delivery method: Online learning with tutor support. 

We all interact with each other and the wider environment that we live in. With such intertwined and complex systems how can we begin to understand how it all fits together and how our actions affect the natural world around us?

Course Code

AL301E (2025)

Course Leader

Sarah Watson-Jones
Course Description

We all interact with each other and the wider environment that we live in. With such intertwined and complex systems how can we begin to understand how it all fits together and how our actions affect the natural world around us? Ecology helps to explain the patterns we see in the natural world and the ways in which people have changed them.  

Students will gain a broad knowledge and understanding of these interactions of living organisms with each other and the environment in which they live. The cycles and energy flows that power the ecosystems of our planet, the complexities of food webs, and the interrelationships and competition both between and within species and population dynamics are all included. 

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