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AL302E Butterflies of Various Habitats (2024/2025)

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Course Information

AL302E Butterflies of Various Habitats (2024/2025)

AU Student

Delivery method: Online: With one In-person session at Denmark Farm Lampeter (31-05-2025).

Members of the Lepidoptera, butterflies, form an important part of many ecosystems and issues relating to the conservation of butterflies and their habitats often arise. 

Course Code

AL302E (2025)

Course Leader

Ryan Knight-Fox
Course Description

Members of the Lepidoptera, butterflies, form an important part of many ecosystems and issues relating to the conservation of butterflies and their habitats often arise. 

The course develops entomological skills and focuses on accurate observation and identification. Recording information in terms of morphology, flight patterns, behaviour and habitat preferences will enable species to be identified with the use of guides and publication and their ecology understood. 
This course provides useful background knowledge for the Butterfly Survey Course (Level 2). 

StartEndCourse Fee 
AU Student

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