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AL307E Understanding British Marine Mammals (2024/2025)

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AL307E Understanding British Marine Mammals (2024/2025)


Delivery method: Online learning with tutor support.  

This module will cover the range of charismatic marine mammals that are commonly encountered in British waters (seals, dolphins and whales).

Course Code

AL307E (2025)

Course Leader

Hanna Storey-Arnell
Course Description

This module will cover the range of charismatic marine mammals that are commonly encountered in British waters (seals, dolphins and whales). Learners will be taught how to recognise individual species. The general behaviour, distribution, migration, feeding and breeding biology of each species will be investigated and ‘hot’ topics such as commercial whaling, the impact of climate changes and mass strandings will be discussed. Population monitoring and census techniques will be theoretically covered. The module will cover various conservation issues relating to each marine mammal species. 

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