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AL308E Identifying Grasses, Sedges and Rushes (2024/2025)

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AL308E Identifying Grasses, Sedges and Rushes (2024/2025)


Delivery method: Online learning with tutor support. 

The module will outline the growth staging and identification of species of grasses, sedges and rushes.

Course Code

AL308E (2025)

Course Leader

Rachel Dye
Course Description

The module will outline the growth staging and identification of species of grasses, sedges and rushes. Identification keys will be used to better understand their morphology. Over the course of 9 weeks, learners will become familiar with a good range of common species relating these species to their preferred habitat and be able to identify these species in the field. Through lectures and seminars delivered by an expert in the field, learners will study the structure and terminology associated with grasses, sedges and rushes, investigate their key characteristics and distinguishing features as well as learning how to use floras and keys.

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