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KA301L Introduction to British Sign Language (2024/2025)

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Course Information

KA301L Introduction to British Sign Language (2024/2025)

AU Student

Delivery Method: Face-to-face: Scheduled sessions.

Venue: B21A Hugh Owen, Penglais Campus.

This course is aimed at absolute beginners and will introduce students to British Sign Language.

Course Code

KA301L (2025)

Course Leader

Bernadette Ellis
Course Description

This course is aimed at absolute beginners and will introduce students to British Sign Language.

The main rationale for this proposal is to provide an opportunity for participants to become familiar with the basics in British Sign Language (BSL) needed to communicate with the Deaf.  This module will provide the foundation for future study where the skills learnt can be expanded upon and developed further. The module is likely to appeal to a range of people, including PGCE students, teachers, and those who wish to learn an additional language. The module is likely to increase the employability of participants.

This module will provide students with the ability to communicate everyday topics with deaf people using British Sign Language (BSL).

To enable students to communicate everyday topics with deaf people using British Sign Language.

 The content for this module will focus on five specific areas.

  • Basic conversational communication skills
  • Appropriate knowledge of numbers
  • How to sign about the weather
  • Talking about different modes of transport
  • Learning how to give basic directions to local amenities.
StartEndCourse Fee 
AU Student

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