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CA306 Texture and Surface: Ceramics / Plaster (2024/2025)


Course Information

CA306 Texture and Surface: Ceramics / Plaster (2024/2025)

Delivery method: Face to Face - Aberystwyth Arts Centre 

This practical course is designed to give an exploration into the use of texture, surface marks, and pattern and glaze with your ceramic work. The course will encourage experimentation and creating creative responses to develop your clay work.


Course Code

CA306 (2025)

Course Leader

Angharad Taris
Course Description

This practical course is designed to give an exploration into the use of texture, surface marks, and pattern and glaze with your ceramic work. The course will encourage experimentation and creating creative responses to develop your clay work.

We will explore a variety of textures, through pressing a variety of objects into the clay to create texture and pattern. From here we will create textured slabs in clay and plaster to duplicate these patterns and incorporate them into your hand built ceramic forms.

The use of these textures and patterns will be developed in conjunction with form to create your ceramic work developed from your research and ideas in your visual diary. You will be encouraged to develop your ideas from your investigations of historical and contemporary makers who use interesting textures and surfaces within their work.

We will also explore texture and surface within your visual diary through frottage, rubbings and drawings to support your clay work.

StartEndCourse Fee 
02/04/202528/05/2025[Read More]
AU Student
02/04/202528/05/2025[Read More]
02/04/202528/05/2025£130.00[Read More]

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