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KA301R Russian Beginners 2 Extra (2024/2025)


Course Information

KA301R Russian Beginners 2 Extra (2024/2025)

Delivery Method: Face-to-face: Scheduled sessions.

5 weeks in-person, from Wednesday 30th April to 28th May on our Campus 

5 weeks online, from Wednesday 4th June to 2nd July 

Venue: B21B Hugh Owen, Penglais Campus.

This course is aimed at students who have attended Beginners 2 or similar or have some very basic knowledge of Russian. It will provide students with a good introductory command of Russian, developing all four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Course Code

KA301R (2025)

Course Leader

Tatiana Churilina
Course Description

This course is aimed at students who have attended Beginners 2 or similar or have some very basic knowledge of Russian. It will provide students with a good introductory command of Russian, developing all four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing.

StartEndCourse Fee 
30/04/202502/07/2025£130.00[Read More]
30/04/202502/07/2025[Read More]
AU Student
30/04/202502/07/2025[Read More]

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