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HL302W Nature and Ecology Writing (2024/2025)


Course Information

HL302W Nature and Ecology Writing (2024/2025)

Delivery method: Online learning with tutor support. 

Nature and Ecology Writing is an introduction to writing about the natural world. 

Course Code

HL302W (2025)

Course Leader

Henrietta Tremlett
Course Description

Nature and Ecology Writing is an introduction to writing about the natural world. Do you think about ecological issues and how these can be tackled in a piece of writing? As well as tapping into the bigger environmental picture, students will explore and record the micro world of nature on their own beloved patches. Writers will be guided to express their fascinations, joys and griefs that spring from the Natural world. This online course would also complement our nature-based Ecology, Science and Conservation or Natural History Illustration courses. 

StartEndCourse Fee 
28/04/202530/06/2025£130.00[Read More]
28/04/202530/06/2025[Read More]
AU Student
28/04/202530/06/2025[Read More]

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