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HL304W Writing for Radio (2024/2025)


Course Information

HL304W Writing for Radio (2024/2025)

Delivery method: Online learning with tutor support. 

This course will introduce learners to writing for radio and audio platforms.

Course Code

HL304W (2025)

Course Leader

Sandra Bandelow
Course Description

This course will introduce learners to writing for radio and audio platforms. Over eight weeks, learners will explore the differing demands of writing for radio and audio platforms and examine the variety of techniques, skills and craft of creative writing for non-visual mediums. Leaners will follow this concept from the development of an idea, to introducing characters through voice, sounds and silence, to shaping the story, as well as reflecting and rewriting the work.

StartEndCourse Fee 
30/04/202502/07/2025£130.00[Read More]
30/04/202502/07/2025[Read More]
AU Student
30/04/202502/07/2025[Read More]

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