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HL305W An Introduction to Welsh Literature (2024/2025)

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HL305W An Introduction to Welsh Literature (2024/2025)


Delivery method: Online learning with tutor support. 

Wales can boast one of the most diverse, unique, and perhaps even the oldest body of medieval literature in Europe.

Course Code

HL305W (2025)

Course Leader

David McBride
Course Description

Wales can boast one of the most diverse, unique, and perhaps even the oldest body of medieval literature in Europe. This course will survey the breadth of the whole corpus of literature with its origin in Wales, prose and poetry, in Welsh and Latin. Over ten weeks, this course will take you on a fascinating journey and introduce you to many of Wales' most prominent bards, poets and writers - giving an overview of some of the main themes and forms of Welsh literature over 1000 years and more. The sessions will use poems and pieces of prose as a door to open a discussion about the work, the poet, history and society. From the ‘pre-history’ of Welsh literature and pan-Celtic connections, the Books of Aneurin and Taliesin, the Hengerdd and Mabinogi, to Dafydd ap Gwilym and the Cywyddwyr. 

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