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SL201 Focus on Philosophy: Free Will, or Free Won't? (2024/2025)

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SL201 Focus on Philosophy: Free Will, or Free Won't?  (2024/2025)

AU Student

Delivery method: Online learning with tutor support.

Do we have control over our own actions? Philosophers have been discussing the question of free will since the beginning of Western philosophy. 

Course Code

SL201 (2025)

Course Leader

Tamas Gyorgy
Course Description

Do we have control over our own actions? Philosophers have been discussing the question of free will since the beginning of Western philosophy. Many of the most important philosophical figures including Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes, and Kant have contributed to this discussion throughout the years, discussing free will in the context of metaphysics, ethics, and beyond. 
In this course, you will explore the question of free will in the context of philosophy and learn about the positions of its advocates and critics. We will also discuss the findings of the sciences beyond philosophy, as well as the views on this topic from the discipline of neuroscience. 
Curiosity and openness to share your opinions are the only prerequisites, feel free to join us even if you are new to the world of philosophy! 

StartEndCourse Fee 
AU Student

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